測試人員的角色 - SWE、SET、TE

大家都知道 Google 在測試這個領域劃分了三個角色 - SWE、SET 跟 TE,不過似乎多數人並沒有沒弄清楚這些角色所被賦予的責任,以及不同角色之間的合作關係。


先來看 SWE 跟 TE 這兩個角色:

  • Software Engineer (SWE) - 一般認知的 RD

    除了開發產品功能與修正 bug 之外,RD/SWE 還得撰寫 unit test,尤其關注 code quality

    如果 QA/TE 開始進行整合測試後,仍能發現一些顯而易見的錯誤 (尤其是那些無關系統整合的錯誤),就代表著 RD/SWE 在測試這一塊做得不夠確實。

  • Test Engineer (TE) - 一般認知的 QA

    • 產品專家 (product experts),尤其關注 product quality
    • 以黑箱測試 (black-box testing)跟 end-to-end testing 為主。
    • 從使用者的角度出發,著重在使用情節 (user scenarios)、效能、安全性等更高層級的測試上。
    • 撰寫自動化測試 (test automation),讓測試工作更有效率。


測試並非全是 QA/TE 的責任,對那些 unit test 就可以找出的錯誤,QA/TE 的角色只是幫忙 double check 而已。如果 RD/SWE 可以確實利用 unit test 顧好 code quality,QA/TE 的測試工作就比較不會被一些很基本的錯誤給絆住,減少遭遇 “修這裡、壞那裡” 的挫折,也才能夠把心力放在 user scenarios、效能、安全性等更高層級的測試上。

TEs act as a double-check on the diligence of the developers. Any obvious bugs are an indication that early cycle developer testing was inadequate or sloppy. When such bugs are rare, TEs can turn to their primary task of ensuring that the software runs common user scenarios, is performant and secure, is internationalized and so forth.

Google Testing Blog: How Google Tests Software - Part Two


在 RD/SWE 與 QA/TE 之間,Google 提出了另一個 Software Engineer in Test (SET) 的角色。不過這個角色似乎經常遭到誤解,多數人對它的認知就是 “寫 automation 的 QA/TE”,你或許發現 test automation 的責任已經被歸予 QA/TE,那麼拿掉 test automation 的 SET 還剩什麼?

The SET or Software Engineer in Test is also a developer role except their focus is on testability. They review designs and look closely at code quality and risk. They refactor code to make it more testable. SETs write unit testing frameworks and automation. They are a partner in the SWE code base but are more concerned with increasing quality and test coverage than adding new features or increasing performance.

SETs are developers that provide testing features. A framework that can isolate newly developed code by simulating its dependencies with stubs, mocks and fakes and submit queues for managing code check-ins. In other words, SETs write code that allows SWEs to test their features. Much of the actual testing is performed by the SWEs, SETs are there to ensure that features are testable and that the SWEs are actively involved in writing test cases.

Google Testing Blog: How Google Tests Software - Part Two

So what exactly do SETs do?

SETs are SWEs who are really into testing. We help SWEs design and refactor their code so that it is more testable. We work with test engineers (TEs) to figure out how to automate difficult test cases. We also write harnesses, frameworks and tools to make test automation possible. SETs tend to have the best understanding of how everything plays together (production code, manual tests, automated tests, tools, etc.) and we have to make that information accessible to everyone on the team.

Google Testing Blog: Covering all your codebases: A conversation with a Software Engineer in Test

The TE or Test Engineer is the exact reverse of the SET. It is a a role that puts testing first and development second. Many Google TEs spend a good deal of their time writing code in the form of automation scripts and code that drives usage scenarios and even mimics a user.

Google Testing Blog: How Google Tests Software - Part Two

  • 尤其關注 testabilitytest coverage
  • 建構 test automation framework/infrastructure,並協助 QA/TE 解決 test automation 上遇到的難題、開發相對應的工具。
  • 跟 RD/SWE 合作設計出可測試 (testable)的程式,並協助開發 RD/SWE 撰寫 unit test 時會用到的 mocks、fakes、stubs 跟 dummies 等
  • 跟 RD/SWE 在 code base 上有密切的合作,可以幫忙注意 code quality,也可以從白箱測試 (white-box testing)的角度切入,給 QA/TE 提供測試上的建議。

Google Job 有許多 Software Engineer in Test 的職缺可供參考。

SET 的定位

事實上,SET 並沒有在 test automation 這件事上缺席,而是居於 RD/SWE 與 QA/TE 之間,必須同時協助 RD/SWE 的 unit test 與 QA/TE 的 test automation,最重要的任務就是確保 testable/testability

  • 對 unit testing 而言,如果一開始沒有意識到 testability 的重要性,等程式開始出現 “改這裡、壞那裡” 的狀況時才開始想補 unit test,通常會發現程式本身並非 testable,必須對程式做幅度不小的調整,才能開始進行 unit testing,但少了 unit test 這張安全網,這種近似於 refactoring 的翻修,心臟得要夠強才行,在實務上能獲得多少支持也是一個問題…

  • 對 test automation 而言,最理想的方式當然是從 UI 進行操作 (將手動測試自動化),但有時基於技術上的限制或是成本的考量,取捨後得要對程式進行一些修改 (或額外提供測試上會用到的功能),好讓 automation script 遶開實作上比較困難的部份。


仔細對照國內相關工作機會的內容,會發現 Software Engineer in Test 的工作多半是 SET + QA/TE,或者根本就是 QA/TE 的工作硬是冠上 SET 的頭銜而已,顯然 SET 在台灣有點被誤用或濫用了?徵才時常有意或無意地將 QA/TE 寫成 SET,畢竟 Software Engineer in Test 這個詞帶有 “Software Engineer”,相對於 QA/TE 比較容易吸引到有 programming 背景的工程師。

對這幾個角色有基本的認識之後,希望有助於在 RD/SWE、QA/TE、SET 不同的工作機會中做出正確的判斷。